Update on Forum Guidelines Regarding Political Discussions

100% correct.

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Just look what happened to the Trophy Garage without landfilling. Read last 20 or so posts and tell me how’s that on topic. I kept it clean for years :tired_face:


Yeah but from a business perspective it’s not in the website owners best interest to have a category just for people to bitch about politicians. So I get it…could scare away prospective users more then getting yelled at for asking for residuals and mfs.

I would like a financial anything goes thread that’s allowed to discuss policy but I could see that digressing fast too.


Definitely a concern, but a concern for every site and even more so for those (unlike LHer) that have paid advertising.

They manage nonetheless.

Yeah but if it’s combined with heavy enforcement it could work.

For example, if you say xxx politician sucks outside of politics thread, instaban for 7 days. I would try to get it out of the latest tab so it isn’t clogged up though. Also, from a engagement POV, if people are arguing politics on LH and they see a car that a broker posted , they’re more likely to buy more cars which means more money to LH lol.


I agree. Everything in finance is tied to politics. But I also understand their pov about not wanting it to be here. An anything goes strictly for that and no where else is def the best solution, but I don’t own the joint. It would certainly clean things up though


There is zero upside to having political talk in a car leasing forum. Unlike other “off topic” posts, it is a divisive subject that adds no value to what people come here for. The internet is big, if someone wants to discuss politics there are plenty of other places.


Unlike so many threads of memes, nostalgic cell phones, vacations, mortgages, cell phone pictures, appliances, watches, cooking, where do you invest your money and other totally off-topic issues when it is a car leasing forum?

Some of those get pretty divisive. :wink:


The difference is no mods ever had to go clean up a thread about the availability of a $300 swatch watch :sunglasses:


Well, maybe they should have. :astonished:

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13 posts were merged into an existing topic: Off Topic Landfill 5

I agree with the owners. Keep it simple, leave the rest of the internet to vent political stream. They said

not “please advise on whether you agree with this policy”


pot meet kettle :no_mouth:


(Removed by author as I realized it wasn’t really constructive)

At the end of the day everyone’s gonna have an opinion on how the sauce should be stirred, how thin the garlic should be sliced and how many onions to use.

The message should really gravitate toward maintaining civility as a community with a common goal of not overpaying for what is arguably the second biggest purchases of most of our lives.


The responses in this thread clearly identify why the owners have decided to update the forum guidelines.

Leasehackr is supposed to be a safe place, and quite frankly, most of your responses are making me feel unsafe.

Jk, but yeah +1 to the new rules, the owners got it right imo.


Ha! Well-played @soflacarguy!

So I guess the “Update on Forum Guidelines Regarding Political Discussions” thread that announced there would be no “Political Thread” has actually become the off-topic “Political Thread” that only a few were in favor of?

The Law of Unintended Consequences once again prevails.


Not every place on the internet should talk about politics. This is part of the problem with politics today is that people want to talk about it everywhere. Since people are “like” minded about cars and lease deals doesn’t mean they are like minded about politics.

If you want to debate fiscal policy why do it on a forum that isn’t meant for that? It doesn’t really lead to a substantive discussion given that people who don’t study policy day to day have total different levels of understanding they bring to the conversation.

A blanket no politics rule is much easier to moderate than a rule that allows for grey area.


Ignorance is bliss. I know the easy solution is to just ban political discussion, but there is just so much politics involved in the auto industry. I’m not saying that we should all be like Plato or Aristotle, but we should be able to discuss politics without hate.


That would be nice, but LH is the copy of our real life where people can’t agree on anything and hate is everywhere.