Underwater Tesla MODEL 3 2022

So which is it?

If you’re truly in dire straits and $10K leads to bankruptcy, the last thing you want is to take on more debt. I can’t believe the responses here are all “just lease or buy a new car”. How about you buy a 12 year old Camry instead and pay off the $10K instead of accumulating debt on top of debt? There’s no law that you HAVE to drive a brand new car.

It’s amazing how the auto industry has programmed everyone, no matter how effed they are financially, that a new car is non-negotiable.


Wrong. An easy example is getting a crazy deal (with incentives) on some lot anchor i7, dumping all kinds of NE into it to absorb it, and then flipping the whole mess on SAL to indeed bury and/or wash it to avoid paying it back with interest.


correct. I still need a car, and being able to put the NE into a low interest vehicle is a positive. Especially when the tesla is going to depreciate even more. The idea was to package the bad car into something more manageable and get rid of the tesla. Has nothing to do with owning a new car. If there wasnt so much NE, I would be fine giving it to carvana and being happy with a wash and use an older vehicle I have in the meantime.

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Looked into Acura ZDX yet? 10000/24 = 417/mo
So you’ll shed your NE in 8 fewer months, have a much nicer car for probably a bit less and won’t have further depreciation risk.

Who on SAL is going to take an I7 lease with a payment that is inflated by thousands of dollars? There may be a few cases where somebody needs a vehicle with a high payment to wash some cash, but my guess is those deals are few and far between.

Lolol you wouldn’t want one for $3k a month? Sucks for this dude.


There is an ass for every seat. On SAL there is usually more than one ass for each seat.

Do some looking on here and you will see what I mean.

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BMWFS/Dealer screwing me. They won’t let me transfer till title is in house. Probably stuck making another payment this month now :frowning:

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I think easier is to lease Volvo where there is 6 months pull ahead program or EQ MB where they offer last 5 payments waiver.

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Also declaring bankruptcy over $9K is stupid. Just either ride it or get another car.


What? OP doesn’t have to pay off the car in full to achieve a 0 NE situation

Ugh, I was planning on doing this this month to get rid of my Grand Cherokee but wanted to wait for your leases to move off LT/SAL.

Sounds like I need to assume I’m going to be making a few payments before I can flip it

Are you not seeing total buyer’s remorse?

So you’re saying I can make $10 debt disappear this way. What if I don’t owe $10K. Then I should be able to profit $10K using your plan? If it’s as simple as that, I’m gonna quit my day job and lease i7s every day.

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I think there are a lot of people who beat you to it… SAL is flooded with some turrible BMW leases.

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Sounds like a plan. Let me know how it works out and get me a referral fee on each flip.

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Imagine if you were a personal shopper leading TikTok users to Boomba’s overpriced SAL listings?!

You could double dip both sides. Retire in a Narcomansion by 2026.


You’re absolutely right

It is possible but it may take time and also may not happen at all. So can only be relied on as a last resort. Better not to have negative equity in the first place.