Underwater BMW X2 Loan

The real answer no one wants to give is gap insurance and parking in the lowest-lying area in the county and waiting nature out.

You can’t just buy GAP in the middle of the loan term.

Also, i don’t think anyone wants to suggest insurance fraud or an attempt at it.

2 things. 1 this is not “fraud” this happens all the time. Driving it into a river or lighting it on fire is fraud.
2 all major insurance carriers will allow gap at any time unless its a lease. I sold insurance for more than 20 years. In their eyes any monthly fee is a positive on the risk reward. But if you file a claim a week later I am sure you will have issues.

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Whatever advice your friend needed, they’ve gotten and they can take it or leave it. 64 posts later it’s been so beaten to death the only new answers coming out are the ethically dubious kind.