Tundra Crew Sport 275/m


Late to post but this is the second hack of the Tundra for August. Got one for my father and now one for me. 19 tundra crew sport 49078 MSRP. 275 a month with 550 down total at signing.


congrats man…$275 thats super low

Can you post the deal details please? Is this with Ally? Does 275 include tax?

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49079 msrp. 24 month. 24/10. Ally lease. Selling price was was 447xx I believe. It took a while for them to get on board with ally and the discount. Once I was in touch with the sales manager it went very smooth. Key is to avoid sales associates and move directly to finance or sales manager.


Tax included. 9% 550 down total.

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I’ve never used this forum before, but are you aloud to mention the dealer?