Trying to get out of a 2020 XC60 Volvo Lease (that ends 02/2023) in Los Angeles

This lease turn in strategy requires a strong reason like a relocation overseas. Can’t help you otherwise.

To be clear for anyone that comes across this in the future, the overseas rationale is for doing an early lease turn in, not for doing a lease trade. Someone inevitably will come across your earlier half sarcastic posts and take them as gospel.


I called the Volvo dealer I leased the car from, and they took it from me, with 8m payment left. At the end of the day, I will end up with $1900 to me. They offered me $43.5k, the buyout +8m payment was like 41.6k which the dealer will pay Volvo financials. I talked to their inventory manager and it took like 5-10min. Vroom gave me 44.5 which meant that I had to buy the car and pay tax and would had cost me more. Will enjoy my wrangler 4xe and savings of close to 300m from the XC90. Will miss that car but glad I got out.

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Excellent. Alternative strategy is to call original Volvo dealer. Noted.

good to know

I tried my originating dealer couple months ago and they werent interested

I was going to do early termination (no fee; drop off car and walk away). VCFS basically checks the wholesale prices and then gets back to you if there will be any charge or if they will take it for $0…you have 14 days to turn in car, otherwise you need to request early termination again and they get back to you after checking pricing


My dealer also wouldn’t take mine. His used cars SM was around $3k below payoff.

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Update for anyone interested.
I returned my car to the dealer Friday afternoon, signed the odometer statement, then while I was there I sent a copy to VCFS and called them to confirm. Today my car was removed from my account on the website. So… I think that’s it…?


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