The Tesla Landfill. Shame. Shame. Shame

Still have it - can’t wait to dump it - what a bad car experience

The car or the jail part? :joy:


If you are in the Los Angeles area, the local news has already done the research for you. KCAL Investigates: Car thefts are up in Los Angeles while arrests are down - CBS Los Angeles

Everything about it - got the GX truck instead - military luxury - not a toy

You are the toy :smiling_imp:

Elon the biggest fooking I won’t say the word cause we got Karen’s here

Imagine getting some rewards and this motherfooker wants to send me a 1099

@holeydonut fook Elon

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what’re they going to do if you don’t give them your SSN? make your car suck more?

What car? :joy:

Lol guess we know who won’t be getting an extra 1099-MISC for 2023 tax filing.

@li8625 jealous of you so I gotta fill it out now

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Fargin icehole, sominabotchin bastage


Look up 1099-Misc. Anything over $600 you have to pay taxes on. By law Tesla has to inform anyone who redeemed more than $600 through referral program.

IRS wants their money.

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To be fair, having owned Tesla, Camry has better ride quality and interiors than a model 3, so comparing it to a Corolla is not that far off. BMW 3 series or Mercedes C class are way way better than a model 3 they are not even comparable.

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Exactly, Tesla is 20k car with 30k tech n battery. Even Corolla has better quality than tesla’s trim.

Even if I’m familiar with Tesla and EV, I will never rent one for vacation or business trip, I’m not interested spending my time in a new city to look for charger and charge the car when I can easily use ice car, fill up the gas in minutes almost everywhere. I prefer to pay more to rent ice car n fill up the gas since time is more important in business trip or vacation.

Unless you have free supercharging, you are not going to save any money on gas for roadtrips driving an EV. At rates of 50-60 cents per kw, and at winter efficiencies, it’s going to cost more than gas for charging on road trips.

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I call BS on this one. I have had a camry, most recent gen, and it is pure crap. Ride quality, road noise, interior feel, all an order of magnitude worse than a model 3.

I agree its no BMW or Mercedes, but its also thankfully not a Camry.

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Not sure about recent Camry, but the last Camry I sat in was a lot nicer than model 3.

In fact road noise wise it’s similar/better than model x which is magnitudes better than model 3.

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I swear half of this is subjective and people just equate lack of buttons to ‘cheap’

I like the model 3 interior look and feel, it doesn’t feel ‘luxurious’ in any way but at the same time doesn’t feel ‘cheap’ certainly not in comparison with a Corolla etc

It’s VW level in my eyes and I’ve been in an ID4 straight after getting out of a model 3

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Oh please, it’s not the lack of button, it’s the rubber, it’s the trimming, it’s the speaker cover, it’s the seatbelt, the seats. All looks cheap because it’s cheap.

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I disagree, certainly in that you’re getting much better in similar priced vehicles

I mean im sorry but no :rofl: