Well since the site is called leasehackr going to add a couple of hacks on getting some legit FICO credit scores. Not the FAKO vantage scores credit karma and the likes give you…
Hack #1
Download the Experian App. It will allow you to create a free account that will give you your Experian FICO 8 score free once a month. The Hack here is that it will allow you to sign up for the Credit works Premium plan for a free 30 day trial(as soon as you sign up for it remember to cancel it so you won’t have a chance of being charged after the 30 days). That will give you your free FICO 8 scores for Transunion and Equifax for free and daily Experian Fico8, Auto8, Auto2, Bankcard8, Bankcard3, Bankcard2, and mortgage2 scores for free during the trial period.
Hack #2
After your initial 30 day free trial you are able to continue to get the creditworks premium plan for just $1 for a 1 week trial(its actually for 10 days) cancel rinse and repeat every 11th day. Best way to do this is on a desktop, the option will pop up after you log in. This will end up costing $3/month instead of the regular cost of $20-$25/month they charge for an actual membership…
Hack #3
If you want pretty much every FICO score that there is use the MyFico.com service. It cost $59.95 for a 1 time pull and gives you 28 different scores for the 3 credit bureau’s. The hack to get this cheaper is sign up for the $29.95 membership for quarterly updates and just cancel before 30 days… if you want the most accurate score do this right before you apply for credit, will give you the information you need just in case a Finance Manager tries to screw you on Interest/MF rates…