Tesla Ordering Tips - And Most Other Reasonable Things Tesla

I didn’t use it in the M3 after the free trial period but for the Y I paid $99 for the whole year-check in the car’s “upgrades” menu, don’t think it’s a necessity but it does give you access to Live maps, Music streaming, browser, video streaming platforms, sentry mode live cam. view (as mentioned above), Caraoke

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Tesla is about to experience the seven perils of discounting?


can you get all that (bar the lve cam) via tethering?

I think I would rather pay to upgrade my phone plan rather than a separate sub

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I don’t know about that article. Their price reduction strategy is already paying off in China. I think it’s just more a reflection of the current market. They’re direct to customer sales and we are seeing other brand dealerships reducing mark ups to MSRP and in some cases selling below MSRP (small data pool at the moment). The market was too inflated before, the article almost seems tone deaf.

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IMO… it’s just easier and more seamless to have the premium connectivity plan.

Tesla owners by far have the worst custom plates. It’s not even close.


If you do the FSD monthly subscription, how long would you have to keep it to get the upgrade? E.g if you get a new Tesla now with HW3 and then 4 comes around in 6 months?

Obviously it could change but just curious from a historical POV.



Close the thread down then. You can get any Tesla you want now fast, what is the point ? It’s a catch all discussion for all things Tesla.

I’m no Tesla fanboy (see above) but that article is from a marketing publication. Of course they don’t like Tesla’s no marketing budget strategy. Their agenda is clear.

May buick bless us with $99 Encore leases again like it’s 2018.


And if the leasing universe has it in its heart, $200 BMW leases again as well.


I’m going to say FSD is going to get a price cut to $10k or even $7k temporarily to juice sales again in March.


Didnt they say they would never cut the price "this is as cheap as it will ever be’

BofA now sees volume surging 53% in 2023, up from its prior forecast for 17% growth.

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Still not worth it. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Elon also said Tesla owners could make up to $30,000/year by the end of 2020 by letting their cars be used as robotaxis. Lol


And the inflation reduction act allegedly reduces inflation. :crazy_face:

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Saw this right now :joy:

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See? He still has fans. :speaking_head:

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