Tesla Ordering Tips - And Most Other Reasonable Things Tesla

As I drove by this morning, I saw at least 60-70 of them in the Devon PA lot - I wonder whether they’re all spoken for already?

What’s your profit on the G lol

Dude…charge your batts!

Don’t say that on the thread or you’re gonna have a lot of angry new wrangler fanboys.

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Thank you for the insight! It seems like a successful Hail Mary to try to land one of those no doubt! Good Luck!!

I had a 18’ JLUR I’ve seen it here lol

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Nevermind the hate 4xE owners get from ICE Wrangler owners. The constant drumming has died down a lot, but still the occasional post that we are all foolish 1st-gen tech tree huggers. Sticks and stones…

There are a ton of purists who will always believe newest Jeep is a mall crawler don’t matter how capable it is off-road.

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No new inventory drops since the month turned over. Expect the secondary market to get even crazier.

6 near me today


Nevermind: I hit the used button on accident!

I think its a byproduct of stocking up inventories. Looks like all the demos were released for sale so need to backfill those first.

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How did you make this bot? :sweat_smile: May you teach us how to bot PS5s and other hot drops as well?


And just like that TESLA raised the price on model 3 and Y :flushed:


Cody, I just saw that today. Damn. I finally did something good for once. Saved $1,000! Hell yeah!


It’s $2000 more for M3 SR+, glad that I snatched one in time.


Bets on if my 2019 SR+ appreciates in value?

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Look on the bright side though, you can still get one for msrp, unlike other brands that are charging a mark up.


Glad I snatched a SR+. First time I’ve driven a car off the lot and it appreciated not only instantly but then even more a week later. lol

I’m sure it did or will in near future.


Just simple coding. An older version of this was open sourced on my GitHub.

In reality, every website is different. You will have to run some traces to find out how a website works. With Tesla, they have their API’s provide the data on the website making this a very efficient bot. Otherwise, we would have to resort to web scraping which takes quite a bit longer to get data (A few hundred milliseconds vs 30 seconds to a few minutes).

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what kind of shit web scraping takes 30 seconds to a few minutes? Kids today, can’t do anything without an API :slight_smile: