Tesla Might Be Helping Us Get Deals on Premium Brands

"…one of the reasons why BMW CEO Harald Krüger has recently resigned from his post, five years after getting the job. Krüger said “enormous changes, which have brought about more transformation than in the previous 30 years,” affected the luxury brand’s standing in the American market and is now affecting the European and Chinese markets as well. This disruption has made it difficult for Krüger and his team to catch up with the EV competition.

Based on reports, BMW U.S. passenger car sales reached only 84,467 from June 2018 to June this year. That’s a drastic fall of about 14.5 percent in sales compared to the previous period of 98,752. Tesla, on the other hand, was able to sell 184,000 units of Model 3 over one year. The company was also able to sell 22,000 Model S during the same months."

No wonder we are seeing the recent BMW deals (mostly on sedans not on SUVs), more premium brands might follow suit. Tesla seems to be grabbing market share left and right.