TESLA Lease plus 'Recognize and respond to traffic lights and stop signs.'

Hi -
Tesla is no price haggling lease. In your opinion is Lease the best option or owning? There is a $7000 option - Recognize and respond to traffic lights and stop signs. Is it worth going for it, when they say to be release end of the year? If going for lease, this could be money waster, if releases let us say midway of the lease.
Any better electric vehicle lease? Somehow, Tesla is not just electric but best self-driving available. Please help with your viewpoint.

Do you believe everything Musk says, despite the fact much of it is never on time? Only you can answer this.

Model 3 is definitely a buy candidate. The lease is not attractive at all, especially considering you can’t buy it at the end of the lease should you decide you want to.


Could you at least make a slight effort and use the search function…this was talked about so many times recently.


But search and reading iz hard


I have Siri read everything for me…you all sound like little girls, btw.


Please don’t ask strangers on the internet to validate/dissuade a purchase of this magnitude.

Tesla horse has been beaten to death.