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Welcome to the marketplace, it’d be nice if you could post on this listing, some sample vehicle (make and model and trim) subscriptions, and what each subscription includes (insurance, etc).

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No down payment, but how much is the “vehicle activation payment?”


The prices on the website listed don’t look bad(some better than others), although the insurance estimates were a little higher than what I’m currently paying. I could easily see those numbers being 10-20% lower than the average lease, but probably not than the kinds of leases we deal with here.

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Fyi, the FAQs has some info: FAQ — Frank

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Off Topic Landfill 4

Sort of a Commerical version of Turo? Interesting.

Not really a broker or a dealer. More of a long term rental car agency, as the vehicle is never registered to or insured by the customer.

$670/month for a GLE is really not bad. How is that equipped or is that the 57k base vehicle that doesn’t exist?

Did I miss it? I don’t see it listed anywhere, besides being waived for 1st-time customers or getting a new vehicle in 3 years.


The fee is waived every 3 years. So it seems like it is really a penalty fee for leaving early? Sort of a disposition fee.

$495 restock fee. How much is the activation fee?

The FAQ sucks. Below is what’s listed in their FAQ in regards to an early return, but what if someone wants to return the car after 30 days, but before 3 years? This doesn’t sound like a subscription service that most people think of.

Can I return my car early?
You can return your car anytime with 30 days’ notice. A restocking fee of $495 will apply. That fee is waived if you keep your car for the maximum period of up to 3 years.

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Curious to see how this shakes out for you. However, at the moment, you don’t have all of what you’ve listed above, so maybe edit that to say “coming soon” or some such verbiage.

You are correct. The activation fee does not appear to be listed anywhere.

It’s buried in the terms and conditions:

Vehicle Activation Payment: If we approve your subscription, you authorize us to make a transfer from the Account a Vehicle Activation Payment (“Vehicle Activation Payment”) of $1,500 for each Vehicle that you rent under the Program when you take delivery of that Vehicle; provided that, we agree to waive the Vehicle Activation Payment for: (a) the first Vehicle that you rent under the Program; and (b) activation of a new Vehicle if you will have possessed the previous Vehicle for the maximum 36 Rental Periods.

Never insured? At all?

Liability insurance?

A steep fee, to be sure, but, at the moment, seems to only apply if you leave and then want to come back to them, or if you want to swap vehicles sooner than 3 yrs.

They appear to require insurance through their provider instead of the standard model. When I use the estimator tool on their site, it looks like the rate is a good bit higher than what I currently pay on, and with lesser coverage. Not surprising for what is probably business coverage. Just a different expense to have to consider here.

Case under review.