Stackoverflow-like section between wiki and "ask the hackr"

Unfortunately, it seems like the wiki section is not really picking up well here. “Ask the Hackr” is by far the most popular, but it’s hardly readable or searchable due to often being flooded by opinions, not facts. While it’s important to let members talk (that’s why they’re here on the forum after all), it might be beneficial to add another purely Q&A section with rules that will reward asking non-duplicate questions, and give thorough answers (while penalizing duplicates and imhos).

Good example of such Q&A forum would be my favorite stackoverflow.
If you’re not familiar with it: it’s about software engineering, and it’s so good at crowd-sourcing accurate answers to the most ridiculous and unique questions, as well as to the very generic and common ones, that I’ve never needed a single programming book in my whole career.

There is many open-source clones of this “stack-exchange” platform, free and build for various platforms.
Guess where I’ve found a list of popular open-source clones?