Sold one to AutoNation

Buyout 61k, initial offer from AN was 64.

For 2 weeks, went shopping with Carvana, GMTV, Vroom Carmax BMW Lexus Mazda and Driveway were all under 64. Local dealer offered 65 and went back and forth for 2 weeks between AN and local dealer. Got the evil eye a few times for “shopping them”. Got them up to 66.2.
Finally called AN up and they said bring me your car and I will beat the offer. He wouldn’t give me a number—well played.

I drive over after work and am ready to accept 66.3 just to close the deal. My next months payment is coming up; need new rear tires, and saw Mercedes closed their lease buyout to 3P dealers recently. I sit down at the AN guys desk and ask him, what’s the number. He says “67”. I start thinking of where I’m taking my gf for dinner and the next toy I buy, after socking away half the profit. Thanks LH (and Shark Tank)

BTW: I initially wanted to exclude MSDs so I could get the money back from BMWFS (mainly because it’s my first lease buyout and general mistrust of dealers), but the payoff included it. So I rolled with it and just took a fat check home. Hopefully it doesn’t come back to get me. I am just relieved to be without that ticking time-bomb.

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