SOLD one back to Honda

Very interesting, what the heck is going on with used cars? Received this e-mail the other day, a few months into my lease.

Here at ___, we are very motivated to purchase your current ___, as the demand for used cars is at an all-time high. We would like to schedule a complimentary equity analysis to provide you with the most accurate purchase offer for your vehicle. Your ___ may be worth more than you think. Contact us to schedule your appointment today—no purchase is necessary.

As a former copy writer for a dealer advertising firm, I’m here to tell you that I wrote stuff exactly like that no matter what the market was doing.

My job was to bring people into the showroom.

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That’s exactly what ended up happening, haha.
“My job was to bring people into the showroom.” sounds like you’re in a Mafia!

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wife VW went off warranty (3 years) this year, had multiple offers for what she bought if for new 3 years ago. Crazy market.

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