Socal/Norcal Toyota + Lexus Purchase and Lease deals. Go to bottom for latest deals

This is probably more salt in the wound but luckily the SE Jeff got us last week did have the BSM option (and I agree it’s something you should have).

Keep Jeff on speed-text… he’ll probably get one eventually.

No, thanks though

:grinning: haha well congrats, hope you like it. Yeah I think bsm can pay for your whole car by avoiding an accident

Shout out to Jeff again. Works fast and very responsive. Just picked up my 3rd car in 3 years through him.


‘Under MSRP’ is trending… :slight_smile:

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Next post all hybrid in stock units at MSRP :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: honestly i am surprised to see people paying markup with the other dealer on here where jeff is advertising under msrp deals


What color is the cross?
Family member wants red exclusively

In SoCal? Someone needs to jump on this… I was shopping this for a while and I couldn’t even find it on any lots longer than a day or so.

6 speed or gtfo
That’s why :sunglasses:


Even the autos move fast… at over MSRP.

It isn’t red. Let me have my dealers check in-transit units

Insane deal, I shopped it a few weeks ago and most dealers in socal are charging 2-5000 over msrp

How much is the price of Corolla cross & Camry.

Gr86 still available?

I wont have any low priced GR86s for a while, that was a one-off deal

Are these deals available outside of California? I’m looking for purchase and I can go to south California to sign the deal. Also, let me know if you have any additional restriction for out of state buyers.

If you are in a nearby state its possible, the only thing is I cant hold in stock units

Hello! Are you doing any deals on any FWD gas 2023 highlander XLE or Limited?

Currently my pricing is on 2022s but I will start getting some 2023s next week. Heavy discount on 2023 XLEs once I get them in stock

@Jeff_BeachCitiesAuto what are you seeing on highlander hybrid AWD/ FWD from aprice point? any 2022’s left ? if not how much are the 2023’s priced at ?