A post was merged into an existing topic: Off Topic Landfill

All text/email/PM responded to, please reach back out if we missed you

Late start to the day since we had a few deliveries. Everyone should have a link, contact us if we missed you!

Just sent everyone links!

Pmā€™s replied to. Text or message us for a link!

A post was merged into an existing topic: Off Topic Landfill

All links sent!

I thought this would go without saying, but itā€™s been happening everyday, multiple times. PLEASE do not text us at 12AM-5AM in the morningā€¦


Links sent :crazy_face:

thanks for the link.

When is the Stop-sale on the X1 going to be done with?

No problem. No idea, some were saying they wonā€™t fix it until the end of fall.

Hi Guys: I placed a factory order for a new 2020 BMW M2 Competition and it landed at Port Hueneme yesterday. Should be at the Los Angeles dealer soon for me to pick up. Is there any assistance or advice on discounts, programs, or pricing you can offer? Your help would be appreciated.

I canā€™t get involved in the deal if you already placed an order. Thanks.

All links sent.

Respectfully, I would never order a car until Iā€™ve agreed on the selling price.

Ordering the lobster when the menu just says, ā€œMarket priceā€ is one thing, but ordering a car is another matter.

I do have a deal price but wanted advice on promotions to get price lower when I pick it up

Busy day. Just messaged everyone back.

I believe M2s are excluded from OL codes, so that will not help. I believe the BMW CCA rebate ($500) applies, so you can look into that.

I would think a deal is a deal and if you ordered the car based on that deal then want to reneg, wouldnā€™t the dealer be miffed?

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I donā€™t think the deal is finalized when a car is ordered. I think current incentives apply.

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