Signing: 2018 Audi R8 V10+

-2% for 7500
+1% for audicare

I think the GM made a mistake on the numbers…


Thanks for sharing- this is going to be interesting. I will keep you all posted given this new and factual information

Sure! If you need any further assistance or just looking for a great deal on any make or model feel free to send me a PM or text me at (323)574-3360.

Thank you

Platinum Auto Leasing

What is the marketing allowance?

12% is dealer cash
$10,000 Marketing Allowance
$3,000 additional given by regional rep for area to move the car

Hey Moses- Can you get a better deal with any of your Audi relationships out there?

I would be open to the RWS if it can be brought down to net zero of 12% but I think from a discount perspective I can’t get any more than the 20.7% discount i have. Thoughts?

I sure can. Just shoot me a text so I can further assist. (323)574-3360. Thank you!

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Sorry for the delay- Here she is


Damn bro, she is a beauty and congrats. If my wife wasn’t “my conscious” I could have gotten one.

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The new R8 reminds me of the TT-RS’s (i know i know…)

I’m glad it worked out for you! :slight_smile: . @Zein

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Actually TTRS are bad ass:5cylinder turbo is a power beast modified.

Sorry, i meant the look, not the powerplant :slight_smile:

Very sick

Did your deal get sweeter?

yeah, at the 11th hour- the regional rep for the area added another $2k

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You end up trading in your other car?

Yes, they have it for sale here:

I know what you meant :+1:t2:


I wish I can replicate this deal.

Sorry for the delay my friend. A tiny bit sweeter, got the regional rep to throw in an extra $1k

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