SIGNED! -- Feature Announcement

Is signed broken? I don’t see anything listed.

Seems like it! Let me look into it. Thank for letting us know!

It’s fixed now. The reason it wasn’t loading is that the program default to display entries from the current year, which has 0 at the moment for 2022. We just fixed it so that it would load entries from the previous year when there is no entry for the current year.

Thank you!


Is there something else I need to do to become a SIGNED! contributor besides added my deal and uploading my contract?

HI @zippyrocket ,

Did you input your forum username when you uploaded your contract? The system would automatically assign you as a Signed! contributor.

Hi @littleviolette

I thought I did, should I reupload it to confirm?

No worries. Just email us at which submission it was (use Share Deal URL)! We might ask you to confirm that you made the submission. :slight_smile: