first time positing deal, let me know if I’m not posting according to LH rules. it was one pay lease (dealer suggested 1k discount if I do so) for an ev9 wind 24/10k lease. I was doing some ping pongs but this dealer suggested free delivery to my home so my wife told me let’s do it.
Congrats I have the same color but dark grey interior.
hi there
have you received a plug when you leased,
I think it’s a charger but not v2l?
Yes you should get a 110 charger with the car. I bought the v2l adapter off Amazon and it worked perfectly. Remember you have to hit unlock on key fob to take v2l off
2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Off-Topic Landfill 6
Hi, do you get a pro rated refund in case of total loss? The dealer I’m working with says we won’t. Do you need buy a gap insurance?
Could you explain how you received a Customer Cash rebate of 12.4K and an additional rebate of 10.1K? Is the additional rebate from Kia or the dealer?
The 12.4K is not a customer cash rebate. It’s the one-pay amount due at delivery.
afaik no for one pay
yes this is right
Dude… last reply was on August…