"SIGNED" Enhancement Idea

I earned my “SIGNED!” tag in May of 2024, but in December, I signed on another lease using information/tactics learned from LH. Any consideration to having something like “SIGNEDx2” where the number following the x indicates how many lease deals have been signed and uploaded?

I like this idea to show the more active users, but I think it’s a lot of tags to keep up with. I would say maybe create 3 different levels? “SIGNED” “SIGNED! PRO” and “SIGNED HACKR!”

earning Signed at 1, pro at 3, and hackr at 5+.

Great idea, splat. I figured the “x#” label may also requiring more programming, so the different levels is a great idea. I would offer up a slight different requirements to earn the various badges though:

1 - Signed!
2 - Signed! Pro
3+ - Signed! Expert

Why though? Who cares lol


This is the internet… people don’t want humble bragging, they want to slap people in the face with their bragging.


Just another way to show/track engagement…and of course, some bragging rights never hurts when participating in forum-like discussions on here. Just an idea…not married to it…just thought I would throw it out and see if it got any teeth.

Love it…i.might finally get around to posting the three i signed in december.

Personally, the metric I think is more useful to put in a Signed! thread is the # of dealerships/VINs that person tried to snag before they got into Signed! territory. Even better would be the number of hours spent spamming dealers and trying to hack.

I feel like when newbs browse the Signed! forum, they come away thinking there’s some magical rainbow colored tree, and shaking it causes unicorns to fall out. That’s why everyone wants to be spoon feed their deals. The false equivalence is fair = easy. Which I think results in that “scumbag” behavior that is the ire of @IAC_Scott

Same thing happens when some grizzled hackers make it sound like internet spamming 15 dealerships with bland offers results in unicorns.

But what is lost is the sheer amount of work to actually land one of these deals. I think the work should be held in higher regard than the payment.


I like where your head is at on this topic, donut. Or maybe “SIGNED!” with a LeaseHackr Score of 10+ years should be visible as that is potentially an indicator of a solid deal that required patience, research, and diligence.

With just a few more labels everyone will get a trophy.


Your reward for all the hours spent on LH:


I just changed your title to “SIGNEDx2”. :blush:

We have been looking into updating SIGNED!. Suggestions are welcome!

Maybe we add a field for self-reported hours spent hacking?


I think if you break it out into tiers, it should be based on LH score.

Under 15 years = regular signed
15+ = pro or whatever
20+ = superduper pro or whatever

I personally don’t care that someone uploaded their $1500/month chevy traverse to signed and got a tag. I care more about the quality of the deal they got

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I would like to know who are the members with the most years on this site? How many deals? I’m at 7 years and 7 deals.

The problem with this is there is no independent verification, unlike signed. Anyone can (and will) just lie. Doesn’t matter to me, just sayin’

@mllcb42 might launch a protest if I do that. :smiling_face_with_tear:

We wanted to do a monthly Trophy Garage based on what was submitted to Signed! at one point, but we haven’t been successful in asking everyone who shares his/her deals on the forum to participate on Signed!. The ideas behind Signed! was to put our unstructured data into structured data so it’s easier for folks to do research.

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Ha! You’re awesome!!

Just my opinion, but it doesn’t matter to me how long you’ve been on the site, but if that tenure also comes with engagement, positive contributions, and landing solid deals (participating in “SIGNED!”), then I think that is a noteworthy statistic that is deserving of a “badge”.

I don’t care about badges, just curious about who are the o.g.'s.

The OG’s on this site are all the grumpy/sour folks that keep posting on LH. The grumpier, the more OG they are.