Signed! 2024 Hyundai Ioniq 5 SEL AWD, $2,292 down, $291.43 monthly, 36/10, Massachusetts

Your deal already includes the $3500 MOR-EV rebate.

There is no need to do so if it was already applied to your deal.

Something is off with your calculator. You listed $17,500 in rebates instead of $13,500.

In you calculator, you have that listed as your dealer discount.

I updated the incentives in your calculator. Payment is off, but I am unable to view your uploaded contract in the signed section.

Any chance you can upload your contract? I’d love to see how it all broke down

On the main LH page, you should see an option to create a new topic (highlighted below).

Here you go

Monthly lease $250 - trade in value + 539(wear & tear) = $243/month

Thank you… created a new post -

Created a new post -

Do the dealer get some form signed from us when we sign lease for MOR-EV rebate?
I mean any doc or form to sign for it?

I dont think i signed any doc related to MOR-EV.
@anoni5 - can you also pitch in?

You should have signed a form at the dealer for the rebate.

Crazy… they didn’t get any sign from me during lease signing. I signed lease on 30th April… got the car on 2nd May. Also applied for MOR-EV rebate by myself last week.

But now i got an email from dealer asking me to sign a doc for transferring MOR-EV rebate to them.

What should i do now?

Again, you do not need to apply for the rebate on your own if it was already included in your deal.

Sign it. I had to do that when I leased mine at the end of March.

I understand… but they never mentioned about sending me a doc to sign for MOR-EV. Also, now the problem is… I already applied for it last week in state MOR-EV site. So when i sign this doc from dealer… in state system it might say 2 people applying for same VIN…

Once applied we cant make any changes to MOR-EV application.

Just call the dealer tomorrow and sort this out.

I had to sign a doc at signing stating that the dealership will apply for and keep the Massachusetts rebate. I could have chosen keeping the money myself but the rebate wouldn’t have been reduced from my lease. Honestly if you didn’t sign anything that said you would give the rebate to the dealer then I’d apply for it and keep the rebate yourself. Sounds like the dealership dropped the ball a little bit.

@Bluemkn57cars @anoni5 Thank you both for suggestion.