Signed: 2024 EQE 350+ SUV $82k || $306/mo, $3,087 DAS + 10 MSD

Realized I was eligible for the Reignite rebate so went hunting for a 350+ loaner. After the last one at the dealer sold, I shifted to a new unit and signed the below yesterday.

New 2024 EQE 350+ SUV
MSRP: $82,440
Selling Price: $60,982 (includes Amex)
Monthly Payment: $306 post tax (7.75%)
Drive-Off Amount: $6,587 ($3,500 MSD, first month, TTL, rolled in acquisition fee, $120 tints)
Months: 24
Annual Mileage: 7,500
Region: SoCal


Is this without Fleet/Amex?

Updated, included Amex.

Makes sense, tried to work the same deal 2 days ago but couldn’t get the monthly where I wanted(no reignite). Great deal.