SIGNED! 2024 Chevy Blazer EV LT AWD, 24/10k, $3990 ONE PAY, $166/mo Effective (10.75% Tax), $51695 MSRP

This is absolutely not true. You would receive a prorated portion of your lease payment back in the event of a total loss if you have a One Pay lease through GM Financial.


I imagine in this scenario, youā€™d only lose drive-offs (ie taxes on rebates, fees, registration) and a % of the one pay based on whatever # of months have elapsed in the lease term. Or something like that, right? Normally I think youā€™d also forfeit money down as CCR too but that wouldnā€™t be applicable in a one pay.

These are just my assumptions.

Iā€™m pretty sure you have had a One Pay and a GM Financial account just like me, right? You do have a monthly payment, itā€™s just paid automatically from the money you paid up front. So if your car gets totaled, the rest of the money thatā€™s left to be paid per month goes back to you. Dealer fees and inceptions may not be included in that monthly payment amount they show but thereā€™s no risk to the lease payments being paid up front to GMF.


Okay, yep, thatā€™s exactly what I assumed. Obviously have no real world experience with that happening but thatā€™s what Iā€™d assumed would be the case were it to ever occur.

If they applied the $7500 tax credit it might actually push the deal into negative depreciation which canā€™t happen on lease.

You get the unused portion of your lease back- :smiley:

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The site has not been authorizing the share option. Did you check to see if your employer may be listed as a supplier?

13 posts were merged into an existing topic: Chevrolet Blazer EVā€¦ Reservation & Ordering Discussion

I checked to see if I can share my supplier code but itā€™s not allowing me to generate, anyone else running into same problem?

Yes, Iā€™m having the same issue.

I generated one for my spouse on 7/1.

Looks like I am also able to generate a code now!

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13 posts were merged into an existing topic: Chevrolet Blazer EVā€¦ Reservation & Ordering Discussion

So there might have been a reason my car was discounted 5k other than to get people into the door and the ugly red. I checked under the hood out of curiosity and found it hard to close, I was able to close the hood easily after turning the bumpers clockwise. After washing the car for the first time (10 days after delivery), I noticed these 2 bumps on the hood. I looked through my photos and the 3rd pic in this reply was 2 days after delivery, clearly showing the damages. I also have another pic that shows the passenger side hood damage from 20 hours after delivery but itā€™s not really visible on computer. Dealer is denying missing these damages during PDI and day of delivery (but donā€™t have any pics/videos), but weā€™ll see what happens! Check your hoods people!

Sorry to hear that. Can you check if the hood was repainted? You can have your fingers underneath the hood by the windshield and feel rough edge if they did it.

Get the paint thickness guage from amazon

Check factory paint thickness if varies on hood

Take measure. this will tell if the hood is repainted.

file lawsuit for $1M for fraud

get new car

PM if need help, this is easy case for hiding accident damage

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Good thing itā€™s a lease.

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Youā€™re charged damaged when you turn it in

Iā€™m reasonably certain that those two dings would fall into the ā€œforgivenā€ category but that is a good point regardless. Iā€™m wondering if maybe the dealer could get that covered under warranty if it came from the factory like that.

2nd option is to shake up the dealer.

Call the GM, explain this, and tell him I have substantial evidence that this was intentionally hidden and not disclosed during the lease/sale transaction. Tell him that, per law, any damage during the transit from factory to VPC to Dealer has to be disclosed. Tell politely you are ready to move on and forget this mental stress and lost sleep thinking about this (add many scripted dialog from GPT) and how he/she can make this right.

Negotiate discount. close to $500-1000 may be a stretch.

Turn the car in winter in the evening/night. No one gives a shit about painted dent.