SIGNED! 2024 Chevrolet Equinox EV 3LT $56/mo, $1k DAS effectively $96/mo

Would this just apply to you the owner or your family living at same address as well


Participants or Sponsored Purchasers must be eligible to participate throughout the entire purchase process – from the date the process is started through the date of vehicle delivery.

Eligible Participants

This Program is available only to Eligible Participants, defined as:

  1. Active GM and GM Financial employees
  2. Retired GM and GM Financial employees
  3. Former GM employees with more than 5 years of cumulative service
  4. Widows/widowers of former GM employees with more than 5 years of cumulative service

Sponsored Purchasers

Eligible active, retired, and former GM employees with at least 20 years of cumulative service in total, widows and widowers of former GM employees with more than 20 years of cumulative service, and active or retired employees of GM Financial can sponsor the following purchasers: their spouse, domestic partner*, children, stepchildren, grandchildren, stepgrandchildren, grandparents (including in-law and step), parents, stepparents, siblings (including full, half and step), mother-/father-in-law, sons-/daughters-in-law, brothers-/sisters-in-law, aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews.

*Active GM Salaried employees only. Domestic partner must be registered through Fidelity but does not need to be enrolled in GM benefits. See your HR Professional for more information. Please allow 3‑5 business days after registering Domestic Partner in Fidelity for eligible relationship to be reflected in your Family First account.

Eligible former GM employees with at least 5 years but fewer than 20 years of cumulative service in total and widows and widowers of former GM employees with at least 5 years but fewer than 20 years of cumulative service in total can sponsor their spouse and dependent children. Dependent children must be under 21 years of age or full-time students under 25 years of age at the time of purchase or lease.

NOTE: Individuals employed by a government organization may be restricted from being eligible for sponsorship due to government rules, regulations, and guidelines. For more information, please follow the instructions provided when requesting an Authorization Number.

GM has the final decision on all eligibility requirements.

Does a newly opened location back date the new membership, prior to the 10/31 incentive cutoff date? Help me understand how that might work.

Just call Costco auto program and find out .


Did you ever get a deal like this?

No, I signed a demo RS for 7k 12k miles. Not from that dealer though, not sure what they were smoking. They were adding bs fees like tint, nitrogen, lojack and all the good stuff. No wonder there are 80 in stock last I checked.

Yea the dealers I’ve been talking to are way up there on price. They are going to have a ton of 24’s on the lot at the end of the year!

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NIck… I am in MD as well, which dealer was this? I just switched jobs and I am driving a ton… Like 30k a year. I am going over my miles and need to get out asap. This seems to be the best option and would help a ton. Please let me know

I hope you are joking.
If you drive 30k miles a year you should NOT lease the car.
That would be an irrational move.
Please do not that and save a headache for yourself in several months.
Buy or finance any hybrid car with great MPG and enjoy the comfort of not exceeding miles.