Well, not sure on how those numbers get there, but bottom-line: a $6k one pay is a pretty good deal right now. If I can get an AWD near those numbers in or delivered to IL, I’d do it.
Your numbers don’t make sense to me, though, in that you have $18k discount (dealer discount?), then include $11,500 in rebates/cash and then another $16754 in other incentives? Those 3 numbers would more than cover the cost of the lease, so there’s got to be a lot of overlap in there. Agree with @max_g, would be curious to see what you could come up with on the LH calculator.
I just recently signed ZDX RWD, ~$8200 total breakdown with a monthly payment for 24mo 10k mi. I am still glad about the contract I signed. Don’t hesitate, the deal you got is even much better.
Would love to see how the incentives were taxed. There’s 25,850 in rebates on the AWD a spec. Some states are only taxing 11,500. Any idea how your incentives were structured?