Signed! 2023 EQS 580 Sedan $135K $564/mo $2400 DAS 24/7.5k

how are you liking the car?

Mind to share which dealer you went for? I live in socal, all my nearby dealers are holding the EQS like gold mine. Thinking about buying from NorCal dealers.

Loving it. Starting to like the look from the outside too.

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What color/rims did you get? Pix?

wow, congrats.

I’m willing to travel nationwide and pick up for such deal!

Retail 135k for 580 Eqs sedan ,2023, loaner, 24 month lease , 10k miles, $2000 das, $750 month, I was happy with deal.

is this something we can negotiate, or it’s nationwide dealer cash?

Negotiated , we kind of backed into those #s

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I didn’t come up with multiple security deposits, and I got more mileage, but his deal seems insane

I though the dealer cash and fleet are not stackable.

All I know is we bought the same exact car I paid $750, he paid $565, he is smarter than me

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I’m not smarter than anyone else. I’m just Ken.

There’s another one from a broker that could end up better than the deal I got:

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