Signed 2021 BMW 330i Sedan, CA $447/m $2338 DAS

Share a deal on behalf of my friend. Not sure if this is a good deal, though it seems to.

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2021 BMW 330i Sedan
MSRP: $47085
Selling Price: $41435 (12% off)
Monthly Payment: $447
Drive-Off Amount: $2338
Months: 36
Annual Mileage: 10k
MF: 0.00093
Residual: 0.58
Incentives: 1500 lease credit (no loyalty)
Region: CA
Leasehackr Score: 8.7
Leasehackr Calculator Link:


Really good deal, especially in this market. I assume this is but rate MF?

Yes, this is the rate from BMW FS :grin: There is no mark up.

12% off and buy rate MF in this market?

Your friend did good.


Which dealer?

And still ends up $500/mo effectively for a 3-series with a sticker of $47k, tells you how crappy the current lease program is…

Great work but man this era sucks


True. If OP’s friend had Penfed ($500) and an OL code ($500), that would have been an additional savings of about $27/month, bringing their post-tax monthly to less than $420.

I concur.

No loyalty either, which is a biggie with BMW.

OP — Believe me, this is solid for your friend. Tell him/her to enjoy it.

Great deal. I just wished you used some combination of loyalty, penfed, ol, college, cca too juice it.

New or loaner? Pretty good number in today’s market.

You can’t combine OL and PenFed right?

Officially no. A couple folks on here said their dealers were able to though.

Can you please share the dealer info?

Yup, my dealer does.

I just got a very similar lease deal and used both OL and Pen Fed. 47,400 car, 36/7500, 3301, 429/mo + tax, 59% residual, a little higher interest rate though, think .00113, southern CA and shipped to No. CA. 2292.72 das. New of course. Premium package.