(Signed) 2019 BMW 540 xi, MSRP 67,300 $597/month w/ tax, 500 DAS + MSD

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2019, BMW, 540xi
MSRP: $67335
Sale price before incentive: $59430
Monthly Payment: $600 tax included (NY)
Drive-Off Amount: $500 + $4200(msd)
Annual Mileage:10k
Incentives:5750 (3250 lease cash, 2000 loyalty, 500 OL CODE)
Region: NY/NJ

Couldn’t get the exact $ for $ leasehackr calculator

Please rate…

Congrats get ready for “you left money on the table” posts. Enjoy the car

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With only 500$ actually down that’s not too bad. Def coulda gotten a little more off but still decent (I wouldn’t include msds as das tho…)

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You should talk to @Rastainna or @nextlevelautobrokers they both have similar deals on that 540i