Should you shop for a $1000+ car payment right now?

I look at the question differently…

“If I needed a car right now, would I spend $36,000 to have the one I want for the next three years?”

Yes. I would.

Does anyone need a car right now? Sure if you have the cash and could leverage a significantly better deal then go for it.

If I totaled my car right now, I’d need a car.


A lot of people who can afford $1000/month cars, can still afford them despite there being a pandemic.

Adding in that they have a lot more time on their hands, makes the perfect storm.

Additionally, new car prices are likely going to go up when this is over.

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Having to choose between the two is a big sign the person isn’t wealthy and secure enough to truly, comfortably afford the car.

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Let’s do a poll: Should you be shopping for a car with a $1000+ monthly payment right now?

  • No
  • Definitely Not
  • WTF are you thinking?
  • Daddy Warbucks here
0 voters

I’m not saying they don’t have it or can’t afford it, but new money lacks tact, and people who lease a RR or X7 for the nanny have their FP hire a broker, they aren’t sweating incentives and MF on the Internet. :man_shrugging:t2:


Watch out for snowy off ramps



People are bored… looking for something to do, so they shop for a car.


You’re probably right…lol Money is burning a hole in their pocket

If they are bored, they are unemployed. Not the best time to buy cars.

Hurry up and submit that app before the banks wise up and start verifying employment!


the wealthy can’t be asked to worry about saving $40 a month by putting down 5k in msd. Money makes money right now and the stock market and real estate are a way to make money right now


Maybe on a $300 per month car…

I think the truly wealthy aren’t jacking around with $1000/mo leases, they are moving millions around in the markets, these are just wanna be’s that want to flash the bling


You’d be surprised I have a family member that works at a RR dealer in a wealthy area.

They are getting many many inquiries from super wealthy folks on their high end stuff.


Everyone wants to get that covid special… I hear that in LA you can get some cars on super sale… like a whole 5% off MSRP after incentives. Hell of a deal.


Look for this though, no balloons or wavy arm guy then keep driving, that corolla is probably still on the road

Man, I can’t think of the last time I saw a dodge neon on the road.


BMW i8 without MSDs, here we go

Warren Buffet doesn’t have a $1k car payment.
If you are rich business owner with 1k to burn so you can take a lease write-off, there are so many other & better ways to spend 1k over the next few months - to wit the food bank lines in several states.

However, we are all familiar with “let them eat cake”, right Marie Antoinette? Let’s just hope the confinement ends before the guillotine sales pick up…