Selling my leased F-150?

I currently have a leased ‘22 F-150 XLT that I’d like to sell

I’ve never leased before and am unsure of the best way to go about this

I’m not sure if my best bet is to sell to car max, automation, etc. Who is the best for this?

Or, sell privately. Do I have to completely buy out my lease to sell privately or can we meet at a Ford dealership and have it handled there?

Ford is very difficult to sell leases of. Previously, they allowed lease transfers. If they still do, that’s the way to go.

OP can’t just go to a Ford Dealer and sell it?

Ford does weird stuff at times where they give first preference to the originating dealer.

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Oh yah, you can only sell it to Original Dealer without going through major hoops

It also depends on how many months are remaining on your lease. IIRC you can’t sell in the last 6 months, and you can’t buyout within the the last 59 days or some nonsense.

If you don’t have your payoff yet, it would be worth a call to FMC to get that, and how many months remaining, and ask them about selling your lease - so you know their updated policy.

Wasn’t 120 days before lease maturity to sell to any Ford or Lincoln dealer?
Anything changed since January?

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