Rolled negative equity from leased truck to sedan


Since I am considering a Kia for my next car (which I wouldn’t get until next yr), I was looking at info about the Kia/Hyundai engines failures (which apparently are no longer in production and were horrific).

Your car doesn’t use one of the engines known for failing (, but, when you look at reddit, there are lots of post about how difficult it was to get Hyundai/Kia to admit fault. Are those posts representative? I have no idea. All I know is that dealing w/ VW for my current car is really, really different from how it was dealing w/ MB for service issues… (although I found a dealer service station that seems decent w/i the past yr or so; but it’s quite far away).

Not wrong at all but as I said you live and learn and hopefully you can get in a better position in the future. It’s all relative to your financial situation. Good luck !

That’s not how math works with interest unfortunately, you pay more interest and less principal in the beginning…

Be careful on the refinance plan, credit unions are strict on mileage caps and your loan to value may be really skewed due to the high mileage