Qx60 lease help

I know there is a lot of qx60 topics out there but I really need your help guys asap is this a good deal? So let’s say I am 3k upside down on a car, so they just factor it and add it to monthly? Thanks

Am I doing the right thing? I am not telling them that I have a trade in which is 3k upside down on my current lease. Then when the deal is almost done and I like the price I will open up about my trade in?

It’s just OK, but if you can do $0 drive off and keep the same $463/month, then this deal changes to ‘Good’ or ‘Great’ if you can do lower $400 w/ $0 drive off.

Thanks I just don’t know the words on telling them to lower the payments to 400 or zero drive off. I’m the type of guy what don’t want to offend people lol.

You gotta look out for #1. Dealers sure aren’t going to. Just remember, they aren’t your friends. Be polite, but firm, and don’t worry about offending them. If they say no, go somewhere else.

or you may contact a broker. Here is a recent ad from a broker for QX60 and its much better than what you have right now.

Hi brother thanks you gave the dealer info to me and they are really really nice and very aggressive. Problem is I don’t have the vpp and it is 3 hours away from me which is a hassle for a father with a wife and daughter who hates traveling lol. And the dealers here in NJ can’t beat the deal they gave me.

If it’s a good deal and you can’t get it in NJ, I would just drive 3 hours and get it. It’s a one time thing and you can get all services done in NJ itself.

This is only if you need a lease asap, otherwise you can just wait and see!!

so guys here is the best numbers i got for a base 47k infiniti qx60

1500+first month of 390/month

i have a current lease a nissan rogue with 9 months payment they said they gonna pay off the 2 months
and factor the remaining months to the monthly and will be 460 a month for 38 months. is it a good deal? i
was asking them to make it 450 but they refuse

Not to rain on Parade but isn’t @nyclife offering a better deal on the Qx60? Shouldn’t you have contacted him first?