Porsche Taycan: Capitalizing taxes on taxed incentives and cap cost reduction (CA)

PFS does not like $0 DAS and it is a headache to complete the proper paperwork with PFS. Your dealer should be able to roll taxes into the payment, but most Porsche dealers will want the first payment and DMV fees upfront.

Ok, so this example along with your prior reply about “Where you seem to be getting tripped up is that sales tax on incentives is not a separate line item on the contract” was super helpful. I tried to redo my spreadsheet based on this information but I still can’t match the leasehackr calculator with my spreadsheet but now I think there may not be a way to get the leasehackr calculator to compute things the way you explained. For example, I don’t think either of the 2 options for handling the acquisition fee in the calculator would end up paying it using the incentives and cash DAS and I don’t know if unchecking the “roll upfront taxes into monthly payments” does the right thing since doing so makes the payment discrepancy even greater and seems to add that to the cash DAS. Do you know if there is a way to get the calculator to compute things the way you explained? Here’s the calculator for what I’m trying to match.

Does anyone know the details of how the $10,000 non-cash credit Porsche advertises as part of their special offer on the 2023 Porsche Taycan lease here works? I’ve been shopping around for this car and from the quotes I’ve gotten from a few dealers it appears that they are either only giving me $5,000 of this $10,000 or moving $5000 of this from “rebates/incentives” in the quote to $5000 off the sale price because the sale price they they quote is $5K off MSRP. Is this $10,000 credit something that the dealer has to optionally contribute to as well or is it all from Porsche? I’m trying to figure out if they’re holding back some of the incentive that isn’t paid for by them.

For a MF of 0.00370, I wouldn’t even consider lease it.

Yes, $5000 is a dealer contribution from the $10,000 total. So most will show a $5000 discount with a $12500 rebate on a lease.

Is it a required contribution or a contribution they get paid back for? I’m curious because it’s factored into the Porsche special offer advertisement and they have verbiage about “requires dealer contribution” but from my reading of it it’s about the additional $1,370 in cap cost reduction required for that offer.

If you want the $5000 from Porsche, the dealer has to contribute $5000 as well. If the dealer contributes $0, then Porsche contributes $0.

Ahh, ok. Am I correct to understand then that even if the dealer is showing their $5000 as discount on the selling price in the abridged quote they sent me it’s not as good as if they actually just knocked $5000 off the selling price since most/all of the $5000 is ending up as cap cost reduction?

If there is a $5000 discount, there should be another $5000 somewhere in the form of a discount or rebate.

This is what I’m trying to decipher:

$5000 is in the discount and the other $5000 is in the rebates.

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Yeah, I see that, what I’m asking is if that changes the parameters of the payments at all, i.e. would any of the math be different if that $5000 were in the “rebates” instead. If my understanding is correct after @themachine tried to explain it to me the answer is no because either way it will be used to pay fees and/or end up as cap cost reduction.
My other question, then, which really isn’t necessarily related to this deal is does the math work out better if $5000 was taken of the sale price instead of a $5000 rebate being applied which becomes cap cost reduction? My understanding is yes because the cap cost reduction is taxed.

If its in the incentives, you pay tax on it. If its in the discount, you dont.

It doesn’t sound like there’s much choice in how it gets applied though if the manufacturer is matching the dealer contribution as an incentive.

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Thanks for confirming. Yeah, I get that there’s no choice in this case, I just wanted to learn as I’m shopping other cars too.

What’s the monthly payment for this quote?

They do targa’s at msrp?

Not worth mentioning - they marked up the MF and were being super deceptive. I’m just using it as an example here to make sure my calculator spreadsheet is correct so I can figure out what deal I want and evaluate quotes.

I have always heard 911s sell for over MSRP. if there’s a Porsche dealer willing negotiate, my money is on Gio. I’ve done three deals with him. Give him a call - 949-422-6124.

According to the Youtuber Manny, they sell him even at GT3RS at msrp, Along with the other hard to get ones, That he turns arounds and flips

911s are not within my budget. I wouldn’t know. But, I do know that a strong relationship with a Brand Ambassador makes a difference.