Places to go, things to do

This will go down in history as the “Overreaction crash of 2020”
The last 2 weeks pretty much every day there is something happening on the stock market that I thought was impossible…it’s been great entertainment!
This article sums up pretty well how decisions are made today…very few facts, and alot of fear.

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Not only did they do what was necessary, can we actually believe any of the numbers they have published about the effect on their population? Remember, this is the country who just threw out all the US based publications, because their reporting of China’s handling was critical and not complimentary.

The numbers we should all put more faith in is South Korea, Italy and other European countries, We can look to those to understand better what works and what doesn’t.

You know what China’s not talking about? Over a month ago China sent the 330 million migrant workers home to the country side, and only a small % of them have returned to work. Where’s any reporting on them? For all we know there are 1000’s or 10,000’s of them dead in the country side / mountains, and the world won’t know about them for years if ever.

The reason why South Korea is working is because they implemented a tracking system for those who were infected. People avoided those areas. A lot of other reasons such as having proper testing kits, drive-thru testing, knowing who patient zero is, etc.

But if we had a tracking system in America, shit would get wild!

Also, I agree with some posters here about China lying on numbers. They just said NO new cases? ZERO? Come on now.

And as soon as I heard about the Cali lockdown, I rushed over to my work and then loaded all my popular items and boxes to bring to my home. Now, I can still operate my e-commerce site since USPS is still “essential” and will be operating normally. I am hoping it all works out for me and every other “non-essential” businesses.

One final (for now) hurrah. Only floored it a couple times :laughing:

I am due for a service on my 340i as it is coming up on 1yr (only 5600mi) but I’m not sure if bringing to the dealership is going to be in the cards for a while.
Dealers and repair shops are to remain open during this latest development but still…

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No need to be forgiven, but to look at it from a Zoomer point of view, so many things in this country are broken for us. For one, our education system is fundamentally broken, healthcare from work is becoming more expensive and including less coverage, causing 66.5% of bankruptcies according to the American Journal of Public Health, and more.

College tuition across the board have doubled or TRIPLED in the last 30 years alone. This has not kept pace with wages. My college tuition at any of the non-state schools I’ve been accepted to will be 74k or 83k a year (no living costs in Nashville or NYC). In state at Penn State will be 9k a year, due to the glorious Jesus level fact my dad is a professor there (He will have the FULL tuition cost taxed as income tho).

But overall, everyone is fed up. I can easily say I come from a privileged home, so I don’t qualify for much student aid, after FASFA and need based aid (lol what a joke), my cost to attend Vanderbilt would be 60k a year plus taxes, living expenses, and food. My cost to attend Penn State would be 9k a year + etc. My parents have been saving since I was born, but a divorce knocked my college fund out, so ironically we have enough to cover 1/2 a year at Vandy or all 4 years at Penn with a double major. I now like many other Gen Zs have to choose financially, whether it be towards buying a home, having a kid, or going to my A. Dream school for Pre-Med, or B. State School that is decent but so much cheaper (where I can double major in Pre-Med, and computer science).

Look I’m just ranting, but every time a boomer or something someone says we have it easier, in some ways we do.

Boomers had it rougher, no internet, no lease hackers :wink:, and a trillion other things, but they had lower home to income ratio, roughly higher minimum wage, lower cost of living, and lower cost of education, and easier access to jobs (you didn’t have to spam online apps and pray that your education establishment and family connections are enough to land you a $15/hr job that requires a masters). We can’t just walk into our supermarket to apply for a job, they’ll tell you to go online to apply, the last job/internship fair I went to, I asked for an internship application at 3 different established companies in my area, and I was asked for an email at one to be emailed a link to their app, a QR code by another (kinda cool), and at the last one, handed an iPad to fill out a form.

THAT’S the reason Gen Z is calling Baby Boomers ‘boomers’, we’re so fed up and exhausted by the system they setup, and retaliate in whatever way we can, from being called ‘entitled’, ‘snowflakes’, and avocado toast extreme spenders.

Edit: after reading this thing, if I get flamed, f*ck it IDC, I’m just gonna take my entitled snowflake ass to a state school, get into a state med school, and see where I end up.

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Cry me a goddamned river.


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I kinda did, xD, but you get my point, if you can tell me to go cry a goddamn river, I’m only obliged to be able to disregard a baby boomer with a quick one two of okay boomer.

I don’t get your point at all.

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My recommendation, get the best education you can for the best deal. My son graduated 3yrs ago from VA Tech in Aerospace, tuition avg’d 35k/yr w/ room/board, and cheaper when we got an apt w/ 2 others friends. My daughter went to Towson in MD, just graduated, great school for teaching, again about 35k/yr all in.

Other thing which you already are doing right, is pick an education where you can be gainfully employed, a doctor / scientist or CompSci are great fields and will keep you employed making a good living.

Penn is the right choice, and keeps your financial burden down, and will allow for you to better afford Med school. And the Med school is probably more important, but again 5yrs after you graduate no one gives a F___ where you went to school, its about what you’ve done in those 5yrs that matters to prospective employers.

Hey if you work hard and you’re a great student, apply to NYU, if accepted, they’ve made tuition free for all students since they have such a large endowment program. Good Luck in school!

My point is, privilege among generations is redistributed. If you want to go ahead and call me a snowflake and to

Cry me a goddamned river.

then why is it so bad to say okay boomer? I get your point of wisdom and experience, but that’s not everything.

Because I’m not a boomer.

Anyway, in life, a party goes to war with the army they’ve got, not the army they want.

Not a Rumsfeld guy, but that’s good advice. Sounds to me you’ve had a pretty decent army most of the way.

That’s a better way to say it. Forgive my late night shenanigans.


Thanks man, (Got into EA at Penn, didn’t apply yet at Vandy or NYU but my stats are good enough 1520 and 4.0 adj). I do plan on going to Penn, it’s close to home, my dad gets me that discount, and at least 4 of my friends are going there. Total # is still in the air though, as one of my friends got accepted to UPenn for business versus Penn State business, and might go there.

Fair point, but the main point towards Baby Boomers stands (not directed to any Baby Boomers on here).
No matter what generation you are, you have struggles, and disregarding them is completely idiotic. Boomers struggled, Millennials are struggling, and Gen Z is struggling.

Edit: Oh shoot, I just realized it’s 3am. 4 days into a pseudo retirement of no school, no work, and no school or work until May are getting to me :sob:. Anyways, no hard feelings? I don’t want to start a Twitter level gen. war.

Never the Gen Xers though. We never even make the list.

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My B <3, we are all struggling, let’s embrace our socialist overlords /s

That’s what we did, we ventured into places we have never been to before. I sort of broke isolation by going to the drive thru, but everyone was hungry after a long drive

Is this the reason for the need for participation trophies by your generation?


Reminds me of my coworker giving me romantic advise from the “80’s” :grin:

Boomers screwed us on the environment also, while their parents tried to clean it up, so screw them back. :joy:

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And buy their Volvo’s