Current Mileage: 4,870
Maturity Mileage: 17,700
Effective Miles/month: 1,603
Financial Institution: Porsche Financial Services (PFS)
Cash Due to Seller: $0 + Transfer Fees: $100 Credit App + $900 Assumption
Out-of-State Transfer Allowed: yes
Well equipped base Macan loaner. 21" wheels, Pano roof, quad exhaust tips, standard leather interior with crest logo headrest for all you purists out there. Previous loaner with no paint damage but few curb rashed wheels. Nonsmoker.
No urgency to move this but looking to replace this with a GTS down the line. If you are seeking a 'poor’sche steal this ain’t it. Average deal with 7-8 months to role in with possible 6mo extension.
Really? They do seem to be a less common option on the base models, but I’ve seen a few of them. IIRC my one Macan loaner had those rims (an actual loaner while I was in for service haha)
Yea $699 with NYC tax included but as mentioned above you avoid tax on the remaining payments under 6 months. This has 8 payments soooo the NY DMV will impose tax on this sum.