'One-Pay' in LH Calculator

The little info button says that calculation doesn’t include government fees.

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Yes. We don’t count government fees in because they fluctuate each year and they are cost involved to operate and maintain a vehicle (along with gas/electricity and insurance)…

Thank you both. I didn’t see that note. Makes sense just looks weird with 1 pay.

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Hi Victoria, any chance we can get Nissan one pay added to the calculator? The MF reduction appears to be 0.00080 per edmunds, but I’m not sure about this.

Someone has brought this up in the past. We haven’t been able to confirm Nissan’s standard one-pay reduction. It seems like the one-pay reduction differs based on the lease duration. For now, Rate Findr has the up-to-date one-pay MF based on lease term and location.

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That’s correct that there is no “standard” one pay MF for Nissan. Not only does it depend on the lease duration, it also depends on the vehicle.

As an example, right now the 18-month one pay MF for a 2022 Altima is .00244 which is the exact same MF as for a monthly lease with the same term.

But the 18-month one pay MF for a 2023 Altima is .00286 which is less than the .00320 MF for a monthly lease with the same term.

Is there any way to enhance the calculator to allow users to to input the MF directly for Nissan one pays? Now we’re either having to show a Nissan one pay as a monthly lease or hack the calculator by using a different brand and a fake base MF to get to the one pay MF.

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