Official negative equity thread

I think this site has enough people drooling over junktastic EV leases subsidized by taxpayers, and having residuals and MF subsidized by the automaker.

All because of an aggressive push to lower CO2 emissions, they are pushing absolutely junk cars into the hands of consumers. I foolishly bought into the EV dream and solar dream. There’s a reason I have 2 EVSE; rooftop full of solar; and a garage full of Powerwalls. The problem is when the EVs eat shit (and they will) the Automaker blames the user for not knowing how to drive. They never blame the trash product.

What you see as a deal with 10% depreciation on the lease is just a rolling turd-box that is destined to be replaced in a few years or lemoned out.

There’s a reason even the most pro-EV user on this site ( @z0lt3c ) turns over his cars every 6 months. They are just disposable junk appliances. Like the crap you get on Amazon. He’ll only get a new EV if there is a clear line of sight to dispose of it without him getting nuked by depreciation.

I’d rather see some people hack ICE; the problem is ICE leases won’t compare well to the junk EVs due to lack of taxpayer subsidies.


This is true. But at the same time, do you want to drive something you hate just because it’s a good deal? It’s also not really 60%. EVs are ridiculously over inflated MSRP. Thats $70K MSRP is really a $50K car. It’s like stores that have 30% off sales every day. You’re not getting 30% off, you’re buying at the regular price.

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Got some quotes for the Tesla

Tesla: $24,600
Carvana: $26,800
KBB instant cash offer: $25,380
Autonation: $20,643 :joy:
Driveway: $28,450
Carmax: Wants photos or bring it in

I am making another payment this month, and if Driveway offer holds-I’ll be only $2600 Negative
Haha my “justifying” is my payment will be much lower on a brand new Model YP and that’s $20K applied NOT out of my pocket, so a Win-Win again… tell me not to do it and remember I GOT A MIRAI for cheap too. :joy:

Hmm, what if NEXT month they offer 1.99% APR on these :joy: one can dream/hope

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I don’t even want to know what the negative equity on the Mirai was :sob:


Boom. Biggest problem with a major segment of advice given on LHer, and spelled out in a simple sentence.


I’m Dave Ramsey, and I approve this message.


There’s no NE as I still enjoy it and it’s only $360/mo 0% APR with a $7500 check received as a rebate after the fact :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: but if selling it now, yeah there may be $4-$5K negative after $7.5K is applied, I’ve been advocating that TCO is just like leasing this for $360 or $255/mo respectively after the $7.5K applies and when I sell at the end, whatever I can get it’s an extra vacation money for HAWAII :call_me_hand:

“Hi Dave. I have 10 million dollars in the bank and no debt whatsoever, should I buy this $30,000 car?”



That’s a bit unfair. His thing has always been buy whatever you want, if you can write a check for it.

Even houses for primary residence ?

What’s $500k+ in cash for a house! Not to derail this thread, but at the end of the day, folks are going to do whatever they please.

Who listens to internet strangers these days? :grin::joy:

“Hi Dave, how are you?”
“Better than I deserve. What’s up?”
“Should I borrow $100m at 0%, and invest in Treasuries at 4%?”
“Are you CRAZY? Never borrow money.”


For fun checked out my 2023 ID4 that I’m 16 months in.
Buyout in 18 months at 3 year lease end is $24k.
Today’s buyout is around $33k
Carvana offer today $20k :rofl:

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Financial services companies are going to be holding some bags over the next couple years with these inflated RV’s! I walked into a few dealers over the past few days for fun, and they were ghost towns. Most sales folks just talking to each other and texting. During prime hours too…

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Damn these car values. Way too low.

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Where’s @themachine to explain how residual risk retention is handled by lease ABS deals?

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There is uncertainty right now. The last thing most people are thinking about is getting a new car, unless they need one. As for EVs, I like driving my '24 Ioniq 5. Would I buy it at lease end? NOPE.

I have been browsing Cargurus for “cheap” luxury EVs. Here are a couple of used i7s.

EDIT: Isn’t the MSRP of a new i7xdrive60 $130k+? For $30k, I would scoop one of these cars up in a couple of years.

My dude, the cheapest luxury EV leases are here. i7 and Taycans for days.

I’m tired of having to pay yearly MA excise tax on my car. Insurance ain’t cheap either.


That miserable exercise in dollars and cents must have been almost as fun as your experience of actually driving an ID.4 every day.