Off Topic Landfill 5

Dissent and disagreement are one thing, being crazy is another.

AOC, Warren and Bernie are the same on the other side of the aisle but the media outlets don’t unload as much on them so as not to upset the advertisers.

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I guess I’m just jaded from 25 years of following this garbage…they’re all the same but all claim the same.


It really is that simple though.

The only time the MSM saw fit to praise :tangerine: during his term was when he promoted military action. I believe the term used to describe was “Presidential”.

Not hard to see who’s buttering the bread when they make it that obvious. Anyhow, See you all in Landfill!

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True hacker play right here. Well done.

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i DriVe A hIgHlAnDeR

That highlander is still north of what I paid in 2020 with 30k on the odo.

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…so is this bragging…?

This thread is for leads.

Excuse Me What GIF by Bounce

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As bad as the suit from MI who strictly comes on here to post that he sold xxxx vehicle for xxxx amount. :smoking::roll_eyes::rofl:

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Actually let me close the deals then post as info. Dealers be spying


I’ve been interested in the sequoia since the refresh, but most on here have had very lackluster reviews for driving it. :pensive:

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That spend 100k to make 5k mentality @BHay


I love a good informative flex tho. People like him and AC above are real ones for sharing data points (but I do agree with you, it belongs in the garage thread)

ouch! :money_mouth_face: :innocent:

10 char

Sequoia is not worth it for a keeper not a very good driver. I would keep wagoneer or suburban over it any day.

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That is what I’ve heard from several people. That is a shame as it is a decent looking truck. I’ve actually heard similar disappoint with the new Tundra, for that matter.

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Season 1 Thank You GIF by NBC

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I’ve offered in the past anyone from lease hackr is more then welcome to come in the store and stab me in the face.

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Price or no price, you have to actually look at that thing before driving it :face_vomiting:

At least put a bag over it or something


Oh man, really? I am sorry, I should have called you before I signed the lease to get your approval on the visuals. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Thanks for stopping by to hate on the design…

3K due at signing
1097 monthly before tax.

Prices are clearly laid out on Oarfishes Marketplace add. That’s what i paid. I’ll update my post.

Get back to selling your Hyundai’s

Would pay 1200 a month effective not to drive that.