US had the HIGHEST cancer survival rate of any country in the world. But tell me more about how Cuba rocks in health care. US prostate cancer survibal rate is 97% which is incredible. Cuba’s rate? 56%. Anyone who can even think of comparing the two health care systems in any meaningful way is not a serious person.
national health care and home repair contractors are exactly the same thing and can be measured completely equally.
ACTUALLY, upon reading the actual numbers, the US was not #1 in any single category studied.
happily! its completely free, no one has to worry about being able to afford country, despite being under embargo and heavily sanctioned by the US, they routinely send their exceptionally well trained doctors around the world to help out in crises. they have one of the lowest infant mortality rates in the world, FAR FAR FAR lower than here in the US. they have an almost 100% vaccination rate amongst children. they developed the first meningitis B vaccine. they were the first to develop a method to eliminate HIV transmission from mother to children in-utero. and, of course, that spiffy lung cancer vaccine:
“CimaVax, which is both a treatment and vaccine for lung cancer, has been researched in Cuba for 25 years and free to the Cuban public since 2011.”
can you even begin to imagine what a cancer vaccine would cost in this country???
well i guess you won this time then. hopefully i’ll be able to regain my seriousness the next time we meet in internet combat.
Since Cuba’s so great what’s the survival rate of the people leaving there in makeshift rafts to come to the US? Better yet, what’s their survival rate when they’re returned to Cuba?
Only one of these companies funded the politicians that tried to overthrow our government, and then defended it and kept funding them, and then promised they would stop, stopped for a few months, and then started funding them again. I’d go with the BMW.
i don’t know. similarly, i have to wonder if you know what the survival rate for the homeless is in this country? you know, the thing that cuba has an almost 0% rate of…
yes, in children. polio, mmr, etc… things california wine moms wouldn’t want you taking.
well unless you had a thing against nazi collaborators.
The residual is less than I can sell the car for. Plus the price of a new car is much higher and we cannot find one that we want. Why would I not buy the car directly after the lease ends?
i have seen a lot of these coming off lease the last little while. some have been underwater. some have been break-even. that’s one i’d stay away from. its value has plummeted and will continue to. by the time you’re ready to get rid of it in like a year, you’ll be upside down on your loan. i think that’s what a lot of people who buy out their leases miss.