Off Topic Landfill 5

No, I think the problem is that this concept is somehow not simple enough for you to understand. Again, not rocket science but let me try and explain it to you:

Your THer status is not at all the same as none of the THers can ban anybody. You are a lock it up, landfill it, change the title person and not a “mod” in the traditional forum sense.

Like how the 1 million other forums out there function, each Mod should be able to ban when he/she sees fit. The fact that three Mods disagree is not relevant and those instances of disagreement will be few in number and you know it.

Despite some nuanced details, nobody was really going to argue with the ban of Clutch (other than a smaller ban or a warning), Eric or Logi. In fact, as to he last two, a 1 day or 1 week ban for each likely would have avoided days of insanity on the front end.

It would be no different for an Off-Ramp to talk about the next level of ideas that flow on their own from cars, deals and everything therein.