💯 NYCLIFE March AUDI deals! Q3 9.75% off Q5 9.75% off! [NY/NJ/PA/CT]


:point_right:AS ALWAYS when you reach out, please answer the following:

  1. Name
  2. Model of interest with color pref / packages – please list several options
  3. Zip
  4. Mileage
  5. If you qualify for any rebates? Loyalty?

If you have an Audi now, please add $1000 to taxed incentives for a lower payment!!

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@nyclife does Costco membership discount on Audi apply to any of these?

:zap: :zap: Monster DEAL ALERT :zap: :zap:

2020 Audi SQ5 Premium Plus!

Broker Fee: $499

Without any Incentives: $538 per month + inceptions + msds

$510 per month + inceptions + msd


If you could pm me with the info needed that would be great.

Interested in this car

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Hi PM’ed with questions on Volvo and Q5s on Friday and no reply. Could you let me know if other means of communication are better?

:zap: :zap: August Deals!! :zap: :zap:

Not too much has changed this month… SQ5 and Q7 2.0 got slightly better, the rest is pretty much the same!!

Happy Hacking everyone here are the deals:

Subject line of this thread references “Insane loyalty discount” but I don’t see any info listed about it in your latest post, the original post, or your spreadsheet. Can you clarify?

Yes if you have an Audi now you get 1000 additional discount on all 2020 or 2000 additional discount on 2019.

You also get a 3 month pull ahead


Is there a change in the 2019 Etron programs with loyalty compared to last month?

There is not! It is still $2k

Looking for Audi Q7 6 cylinder Premium plus 15,000 miles/year for $700/month. I have Penfed and Costco.

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Just sent you a PM. Looking for a SQ5 for my wife.
7500 miles/year
Daytona Gray Pearl 2) Quantum Grey
Black interior
pretty much open after that, thanks

How do I PM you?

Click on his Handle Name…nyclife…in the pop-up click message to reach him and I’d suggest reading the first post as well.


A4 and A6 are the steals of the month.

2020 AUDI SQ5 Premium, has to go.

57k msrp
$498 + tax/fees/msd
42 months/10k miles

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Is the Sq5 still available?

Hi - the Sept link reads March in the spreadsheet. Are those $ for Septemebr. Looking at Q7 P+ at $62k, $517/mo. Can you confirm it has Cold Weather package?
Thank you