💯 NYCLIFE’s BMW MAY, X1- 9.5%, X3-10%, X5- 10.25%, X7-9.5%, IX- 11% off, Northeast + DMV area + shipping. BASE MF!

Hold on. X6 steering on the right side. Is that means the passenger will be driving not the driver…:rofl:

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That color though, if I hated a dealer I would be custom ordering a 110K m50 with ametrin exterior.

I agree that it’s not for everyone, and it’s a bitch to keep clean but it does grow on you. :grin:


Is the DEMO X7still available?

Yes it is available!

:100: TWO INSTOCK X5s :100:


LOCAL TO NY, easy pickup/delivery

any deals for x4? :laughing:

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Hey NYClife, any deals for X5? Located in NJ

Yes, here are our updated specials for the month, we are still continuing to offer some of the best deals in the northeast region.

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I sent you an email last week but haven’t heard back. You can do 4.25% discount on a X3 M40i allocation plus any applicable BMW incentives? Located in Northern VA.

Missed it, you should have it now!


2023 BMW M4 Competition xDrive

1.25% off
88k MSRP
Executive, Parking Assist, Carbon Fiber Trim


Does the 8.25% discount on 540xi include loyalty or is that separate? What’s timing like on an order?

I need an x5 demo before end of year…

Looking into 2023 X7 custom build - any idea of how much you can get me at?

9.25 off on in stock x5 w msport? If so what is available?

interested in m5

Sure thing, shoot us an email or PM we have one ready to go.

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just pm you

December UPDATE!

BMW has gotten much more competitive on their MF, coming down 30bps.

We have seen increases in incentives on some models like X3 and 330. With that said, supply still remains extremely constrained. I would recommend ordering and locking in December programs.