💯 NYCLIFE’s BMW APR, X1- 9.5%, X3-11%, X5- 10.25%, X7-10.25%, IX- 11% off, Northeast + DMV area + shipping. BASE MF!

330 is gone 530 is available

Any x3 m40 loaners?

1% off !!!

20k miles

Good to go!

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what year is that? and what payments are looking like

2028 model year. $2k per month


thanks alot

Looking for BMW X7. Please let me know if anything’s available? I tried sending DM and an email but didn’t hear back.

Ik it’s really late but is the 530 still available?

We have X5MS now available for order.

X5 45es as well!

Remaining deals:

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DEAL ALERT :partying_face:

ALMOST 15% OFF THIS DEMO :cowboy_hat_face:

2022 BMW 530i xdrive - 14.8% off
$597 per month + inceptions + msds including loyalty
Fee: $699


Still have X5 45e in stock?

I’m in CT.

What do the numbers look like?

Requesting additional info on a X5 45e as well.
In NJ, w/loyalty.

Are you getting any i4. If yes any discounts.


Don’t have any to discount :frowning:


Yep every single unaccounted for unit pretty much guaranteed to sell for full pop.

how far out are i4 m50s at this point?

hi, any discounts on 23 bmw m3 competition xdrive orders?

If not charging ADM counts as a discount…

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Hi, do you still have x3 available?

You still have this? Do you have calculator link for this?