💯 NYCLIFE’s BMW APR, X1- 9.5%, X3-11%, X5- 10.25%, X7-10.25%, IX- 11% off, Northeast + DMV area + shipping. BASE MF!

Any m340 build slot?

No I haven’t had them for a while now.

Can I build the X5 and how long is delivery ?

Right now I have a line of X5 Orders, I will put up when I have available allocations that need to go.

Pending sale thanks!


There should be a public hall of shame on this forum for those that try to do that

Hey Quentin…any deals on loaner X5’s?

Not at this time!

Ill take it. PM me.

M340xi is pending! Thanks guys.

We’ve increased our incentives on both our 4 series!

10.5% on the M440
11.5% on the 430

Thanks guys!

Hi, nyclife, I am interested in leasing new X1, zip code 07302. Thanks. Please pin me if you have options.

Are there any loyalty rebates on m340 or 540 this month?

Looking for a specific car, pm’ed you. Thanks

is there a phone # I can reach you at? I am looking for a lease for this month.

Hi NYCLife, I am interested in the BMW X3. My zip code is 10605 in Westchester county, NY. Please PM me if there is availability. Thank you!

Any 330e xDrives available???

We can order them for you!

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Hey do you have any bmw X3 3.0, black, M sport package? Thanks

I don’t sorry! I can order one though!