Nissan Car Lease Sold to nissan dealer but we canceled the transaction

i have all the conversation with the dealer on my phone and also screen shot of the conversation with nissan finanace , if i get hurt over this i will sue both of them, this is not normal , how can i be resposible for this? what a nighmare , this is the last time i am buying anyting from nissan,

i dont think its was not gounded , since when i was there he showed me that he purchase the car in hos computer, and also when i called nissan finance the next day to complain, she told me that the dealer actuly paid for the car, if it was grounded , than why would they send me back the extra payment i sent them, if it was not purchased, it means that i still owe them money, since there was 6 months left on the lease + 395 fee

this is the letter i have on my nissan finance

Personally I would drop the car off at the dealer and tell them to deal with it. Tell them you’re taking insurance off and that NMAC is saying this isn’t your car anymore.

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How did you get a future dated letter???
Traveling Back To The Future GIF

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it seems that the date changes when you download the letter, since i have the original letter i download it on 01/25/2025 , and it says 01/25/2025 , yes it wired but that was directly downlaoded from my NMAC accound

i dont want to screw the dealer, and maybe also myslefe, you never know what could happen if i do that , i only wanted to save 2K and i end up getting more stressed , i already sold my RX330 so if give up the car now i have to rush find another car, by the way what you guys think about CADILAC LYRIQ vs the NEW TESLA Y , i had a deal on an loaner for 413 amonth zero down , i dont know if the guy still have it

Finally somone from Niassn Finance called me today , she asked me if i am planinig to sell the lease to another nissan dealer, she can keep the account close for a week, and if i find another nissan dealer, they can call her, and internally they can trasnfer the car to the new dealer , if not they have to create a new account with the same terms, it would take about a month, which i will not be abel to sale my lease, once my accunt get open i have 7 days grace period to pay my next payment with no penalties etc… the thing is that i can ONLY sell it to nissan dealer, or dealership that is affilaited with Nissan Infinity, i will never ever again lease or buy another nissan car, what a horrible experiance, not only with this issue, in general very bad experiance thatnk you for everyone advice :pray:

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