šŸ¦ Next Level Auto:Your most trusted BMW Specialist! Direct:(201)429-7045 | MAY 8-11% off! NEW LOANER DEALS!

Dream garage:
M5 and Supply of toilet paper

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Excellent broker, top notch, much respect! Thank you!

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4/15 update:

  • Last price drop for the i8 with 2 weeks left in the month for lease support on 19s
  • X5 50i Msport LOANER added at 17% off!

@guck83 :heart_eyes: we are buddies now! I spoke to you more than my entire family :crazy_face:! Just so everyone knows, @guck83 does not believe in texting as a phone call is more personable! Car is an absolute stunnerā€¦show us the finished product later!


whoa, hidden loaner car deal!

white/cognac 740i xdrive loaner!
I had a few people asking for a white so first come, first serve!


Excellent deal man.

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Nice deal Dan.

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I noticed the 530i in your spreadsheet shows $64k msrp but the calculator link shows $59k, looks like $59k matches the payment.

Incredible deal on that 7 series!

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Could you elaborate on nation wide shipping over 75k? How much would it cost? Would the white 740i be eligible?

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Incredible deal on that 7 series!

It means shipping it at your cost probably wont be worth it for cars less than $75k
Yes, I can ship the 740 anywhere, but, again, itā€™s at your cost so factor that into the overall lease cost.

If you need a quote, look online. West coast is about $1000-1500 and Florida is about about $600-800 from prior experience. Almost all the cars Iā€™ve shipped out have been close to $100k so M cars, 8 series, 7 series, and x7s.


Thank you for your through explanation. I wish we have a dealer like you in socal. Your pricing is really good.

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me too! The dealers/brokers in Texas suck and overprice for brokering deals (sorry the ones on this forum arent good either :frowning:) . Dan is the best I have EVER run into as well as what my friends told me. Brokers suck so much here and that I have run into I am even thinking of going through Dan then having them shipped to me.

its a stealā€¦

Love me some of that cognac leather. Great car and deal!

@JustoPro Amazing compliment, thank you, thatā€™s high praise Iā€™m not sure I deserve :blush:
Iā€™m 100% certain there are some great midwest/westcoast brokers on LH
Maybe my west coast customers just enjoy hearing my Chazz smooth jazz voice.

If you havenā€™t watched Trolls World Tour, I highly recommend it. I donā€™t remember the last time I laughed so hardā€¦then again, weā€™ve been in quarantine for a month now so maybe Iā€™m crazy~

Happy Friday, and stay safe!

Hey Dan! I PMā€™ed you.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Off Topic Landfill 2

Very interested in the m4 comp vert or m4cs. Would prefer the vert as I only autox 4 or 5x a year but need to get a car for the wife first. Wish the vert lease was as aggressive as the cs!! Trying to wrap up the wifeā€™s car (rav4 hybrid) in the next few days. If m4s are still around then Iā€™ll reach out

Is it possible to work trades into these deals or does that become too complicated. I have a 2017 audi s3 prestige w/23k miles Iā€™d be getting rid of. Previous BMW and Porsche owner if that qualifies me for any incentives.

Is the X5 M Sport 3 row?

Actually I got this type of questions few times, thanks!

This is a small sample of the inventory I can access which is why I indicate ā€œseveral buildsā€ next to most of the models for new cars.

The loaner page I update frequently and are specific cars/suvs.

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