🦁 Next Level Auto:Your most trusted BMW Specialist! Direct:(201)429-7045 | MAY 8-11% off! NEW LOANER DEALS!

Looking for a white X4

I have one…PM me your details

$364/month LOANER X3 xdrive30i with driving assistant, navigation, pano roof, heated seats, heated wheel :fire::fire:

is this still available?

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Does it say pending?

Does not look like it says pending.

Then you should be good. Assuming that the dealership didn’t sell the car outside of the broker.

waiting for OP to respond now.

Any update on availability of the X3 364 loaner?

@nextlevelautobrokers Is taxed incentives of $7k typical for 4 series loaners?

I am interested in leasing a 330i in NC.

Can’t wait for my lease to be over next month. I need that 330i!!!

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7/11 update…added x5 and x7 loaners. I wish I could get the X5 msport for myself…the pig nose as grown on me

I just transferred the lease today. How about the 330i or the X5? Are they available?

Yes, I remove them once they are sold. The ones on there are still available

That 430 :open_mouth: Are these much less to do a 24 mos lease?

if you have loyalty…if not, it’s better to do 36 mo

I have loyalty. Are these numbers factoring in MSD’s? The 330 in the grey is the color I want :heart_eyes: no msd in NY though…

*just saw these are NJ deals with dealer fees/MSDs

I would love to get my hands on a 330i, preferably grey, under 400. looking to get one ASAP. located in stamford, ct

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Looking for 440ix new/demo

PM Sent. Please check for X5 xDrive40i