🦁 Next Level Auto:Your most trusted BMW Specialist! Direct:(201) 429-7045 | Feb 9-12% off | 23% off 530 loaner!

yes loaners are done for the year!

6 available at this discount

2024 i5 40 rwd
16% off :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

$438/mo + tax :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:
Inception and MSDs due

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Located where?

Any have DAP?

Hi, I want to add driving assistance professional package to my X3 build but none of the current inventories have this package. If I want to custom build my car, would you be able to negotiate the price on behalf of me? Build code is FHD0YJYU. Thanks

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A quick word of advice - No need to spam all the BMW brokers with the same question. Why not just message one and wait for a response?


northeast region
yes 1 has DAPP

please send me a PM

3 M5 wagons at MSRP
no wait list


Price Drop!!

18% off 2024remaining i5 edrive40 rwd :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

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1 more pending i5 deal and the rest are sold!

Thank you LH!!

Hi, sent you a PM yesterday, thanks!

Hi I sent a PM to you.

I think I got back to everyone

Keep’em coming! :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle:

The dealers are overwhelmed with deals this time of year so please keep that in mind as we power through these last 2 weeks!

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Loaners will be added tonight thanks!

Will be working every day even Xmas and New Years :face_with_head_bandage:

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in-stock inventory is getting slim for BMWs so you may have to order

39 month lease program likely to go away this month

can lock finance rates on builds

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1 week left to lock in the 1.99/2.99 financing for builds on most models

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24% off :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

2024 X3 xdrive30 ex-loaner!

$417/month + tax
inception and MSDs
10k miles per year

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hey, can you please send window sticker? thanks!

Mind telling us the color ?

x3 loaner is sold