New leaser low Credit score

$3k and $7k are very different numbers. These are not insignificant details.


I think the classic LH advice of if you actually/really need a car, buying a used Camry, Accord, Corolla, or Civic, getting a PPI, and rebuilding your credit with that loan holds water here. No?


Absolutely the right answer.

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For optimal FICO scoring, you should have at least three open credit cards.

But don’t carry balances (pay interest).

Pick up a couple of carefully-chosen cards with no annual fee. You’ll be glad a year from now.

You definitely want to spend some effort bulking up your credit files with quality, well-managed trade lines.


thanks a lot for your tips I really appreciate it, currently I have 3 credit cards

Ally bank was my frist lease. They were great!

I’m confused.

Good luck with your search.


One CC with balance, three CCs total?

Most importantly, and before you make another move, you need to find a mentor

Sounds like a case for Dave Ramsey! lol

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